National Dairy Development Board (NDDB)

MIE had tied up with the NDDB for training and exposure of dairy partners to the Gujarat dairy model. 32 dairy farmers and 3 officials were trained by the NDDB while the exposure visits were facilitated by the ILRT.
College of Veterinary Sciences, AAU, Khanapara

MIE had facilitated the training of potential animal feed entrepreneurs in the College of Veterinary Sciences, Khanapara, in the field of feed formulation and scientific goat management. 14 partners have been trained in livestock feed formulation while 29 partners have been trained in goat management.
National Research Center for Pigs (NRCP)

In view of the large scale demand for piggery the MIE has partnered with the NRCP, Rani to train partners in the scientific slaughter of pigs and value addition of pork. Close to a hundred partners, primarily local butchers, have been trained in NRCP and post the training have reported that they are now able to get 1.5 kgs extra meat per pig due to the training.
Central Institute of Fishery Education (CIFE), Kolkata

MIE had facilitated the training of 40 partners of SWKH in the CIFE, Kolkata.
Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT), Vishakhapatnam and State Institute of Fisheries Technology (SIFT), Kakinada

Responding to a request from the BDU, West Jaintia Hills, the MIE had initiated a tie up with the CIFT and the SIFT through the facilitation of ILRT for training of 25 smoked fish entrepreneurs and 4 officials of WJH in advanced low cost and hygienic preparation of smoked fish. Post the training a follow up program was facilitated by MIE in collaboration with the DRDA and BDU, WJH, in which scientists from CIFT participated and gifted various processing and fishing equipment to the partners. In addition the MIE also arranged for a specific training for the partners in Food Safety and Hygiene in the Indian Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM), Shillong to complete their exposure.
Indian Institute of Hotel Management (IIHM), Shillong

In order to address the issues of food safety of smoked fish and spoilage of milk reported by the Dairy Cooperative Societies, the MIE had tied up with the IIHM, Shillong, to impart training to partners in these 2 sectors. While 23 partners were trained in Food safety & hygiene, 11 partners were trained in the making of sweets, ice cream, butter and other dairy by products. Further trainings covering other aspects of food processing are also planned.
Rural Resource and Training Centre (RRTC), Umran

The MIE in collaboration with the Department of Commerce & Industries and AFC India had partnered with the RRTC, Umran, to train traditional beekeepers in scientific beekeeping and earthen hives. A total of 2224 beekeepers have been trained by the RRTC and AFC India.
State Rural Employment Society (SRES)

The SRES had partnered with the MIE in facilitating the training of piggery entrepreneurs through mobilization of interested VEC members. Trainings were conducted by MIE in collaboration with the SIRD and a total of 229 partners have been trained through this partnership.
Veterinary Field Assistant Training Institute (VFA), Kyrdemkulai

MIE has also partnered with the VFA training institute, Kyrdemkulai to train 23 livestock Master Trainers drawn from the CLFs and shortlisted by the VTCs. These Master trainers were further trained by the NRCP and are now imparting trainings to partners in the Center of Learning Knowledge and Services (COLKS), Mylliem and Mawlai.
Vocational Training Centers (VTCs), Kyrdemkulai and Rongkhon

Under a partnership with the AH& Vety Department, the MIE had facilitated the rollout of 10 days training each of 718 partners in VTC, Kyrdemkulai and 266 partners in VTC, Rongkhon in piggery, dairy and poultry enterprises. The training content of the VTCs has been modified to incorporate elements of book keeping, insurance and bank linkages in order to impart the enterprise management skill to the partners.
Center of Learning Knowledge and Services (COLKS), Mawlai & Mylliem

MIE has partnered with the COLKS, an institute founded by a group of entrepreneurs of the Mylliem EFC, who have established the institute from their own funds to provide an environment for capacity building and training in the field of Apiculture, Livestock and nonfarm activities. A total of 153 livestock partners and 519 apiculture partners have been trained at COLKS by resource parsons drawn from departments, private entrepreneurs and in house resources.
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

MIE had partnered with the FSSAI, Shillong, to impart training on food safety and standards especially to partners dealing with food products. The initial engagements with FSSAI has been in training of livestock partners at COLKS with the association expected to stretch further to cover all other food products.
State Institute for Rural Development (SIRD)

MIE has a partnership with SIRD in which VEC members selected by the SRES for taking up piggery related activities were trained by the MIE and SIRD. SIRD also has facilitated the rollout of the Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Business Management (DEBM), a one year course of the Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, for 69 ERPs of the IBDLP.
State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM), Kudumbashree

MIE has partnered with the NRO of the SPEM for exposure of its functionaries and officials to the Kudumbashree initiative. With the facilitation of the ILRT, 20 ERPs were taken for exposure and training to Kudumbashree and subsequently 8 Nodal Officers and 13 LIFCOM officials were trained and exposed to the Kudumbashree initiative.
NIRD-NERC and IIE, Guwahati

MIE had entered into agreements with the NIRD-NERC and the Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship (IIE) for training and capacity building of partners and officials. Trainings are to start in 2016.
Meghalaya State Rural Livelihoods Society (MSRLS)

In response to a request of the MSRLS, MIE had screened and forwarded the profiles of 66 partners across various sectors for linking and training them under the RSETIs of the MSRLS. Feedback is awaited from MSRLS.
Digital India Corporation

As part of its facilitation to the department of Agriculture, the MIE had entered into an MoU with Digital India Corporation (DIC), Ministry of Electronics and IT, for support to the 1917iTEAMS project of the department.
Central Agricultural University (CAU), Imphal

In order to provide the best scientific and advisory services to farmers of the state, the MIE is working on a MoU with the CAU to leverage on the 14 combined scientific and technical resources of all 13 agriculture, forestry, horticulture, fishery, home science, post graduate and veterinary colleges of the North East which fall under the ambit of the CAU for support to the 1917iTEAMS initiative of the Government and to farmers of the state.
Shillong College

The MIE has partnered with the Shillong College sponsor and trained potential entrepreneurs through the 3 months UGC approved EDP course being offered by the College. A total of 4 batches have been trained by the College.
IEF Entrepreneurship Foundation

IEF Entrepreneurship Foundation is a collaborative effort of those who believe in the very spirit of entrepreneurship. To grow wings, thereby diminishing the need for crutches for every entrepreneur who has taken the plunge. Through its efforts, IEF helps create an alternative narrative of self-sustenance. It is an ecosystem that consists of the entrepreneurs that take our masterclasses,faculty and mentors who volunteer their time, partners from within as well as outside the government framework, education institutes, media publications and funding and investment community.
Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA)

The MIE has entered into an agreement with IRMA for conduct of an off campus Management Leadership Development Programme (MLDP) for officials of line departments. The programme is being conducted by the Director of IRMA himself and a total of 263 officers have been successfully trained under this programme.
Department of AH & Veterinary

The Department of AH & Veterinary had entered into an agreement with MIE to launch and rollout the Livestock Development Centres (LDC) of the MeghaLAMP and for activation of its 3 VTCs of Manai, Williamnagar and Upper Shillong for training of livestock farmers.
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Nauni, Solan

The MIE has partnered with the YSP University to train 20 Master Beekeepers in the rapid multiplication of queen bees which is a potentially very lucrative source of supplemental income for beekeepers.
Institute of Livelihood Research & Training

The ILRT, Shillong, is the leading institution with which the MIE has partnered with to provide capacity building and accompaniment support to the personnel of IBDLP right down to the grassroots.The ILRT takes livelihood promotion knowledge from the field and develops it into structured lessons that can be disseminated to practitioners of livelihood promotion in the form of training and capacity building programs which are primarily centered around capacitating IBDLP personnel especially those in the BDUs and EFCs to enhance their implementation capacity. This is being done through a structured modular training schedule which comprises of a)Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) b)Fundamentals of Livelihood Promotion – I & II (FLP) c)Focused Behavioral Event Interview (FBEI) d)Assessment of Entrepreneurial Competencies and Training Methodologies With the empanelment of the 8 local NGOs to act as the last mile outreach arms of the EFCs, the role of ILRT has been expanded to include trainings for the personnel of these NGOs on the same modules as for IBDLP personnel.ILRT has also organized exposure visits of 20 ERPs to the State Poverty Eradication Mission (SPEM), Kerala also known as Kudumbashree during 2013-2014 to provide a first-hand exposure to convergence and community led enterprises.
AFC India Pvt. Ltd, Department of Commerce & Industry, Meghalaya Khadi & Village Industries Board

The MIE has partnered with AFC India Pvt. Ltd. to train beekeepers and to assist the MIE in its role as a Technical Advisory institution for the Department of Commerce & Industries (DCI) which is the Nodal Department for Apiculture and to the MKVIB which is the marketing wing of the DCI. Under this partnership the focus over the last two years has been on building up the capacity of the department to own and run the Apiculture Mission and to train beekeepers and entrepreneurs identified both by the BDUs and the Deptt. in scientific beekeeping with the ultimate objective of leveraging the rich natural resources of the state to catalyze the growth of Apiculture as an enterprise. The combined efforts of the 4 entities has resulted in the skill Upgradation of 3793 beekeepers, activation of 6 carpentry and 2 SSI units, training of 32 departmental officers, 15 entrepreneurs and 195 master beekeepers, standardization of scientific Meghalaya Type B bee hives, mapping of 2000+ beekeeping households, activation of 3 honey processing plants, reactivation of 3 DCIC workshops, development of customized training & IEC materials and the establishment of 3 apiculture training centers in the State.
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore

The MIE has partnered with the University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Bangalore and more specifically with the Division of Apiculture as a technical and knowledge backstopping resource institution for the Apiculture Mission. Progressive beekeepers, master carpenters, processors and officials have been trained and exposed to the apiculture industry by the UAS. MIE has also partnered with the Department of Biotechnology, UAS, for training and capacity building in jackfruit processing for 22 entrepreneurs especially those from the Garo Hills.
Home Science College, Central Agriculture University, Tura

The MIE along with the BDU, West Garo Hills and MIE, Tura, has partnered with the Home Science College, Tura, to train partners in jackfruit processing, cashew processing, pickle making etc. The college also serves as a common facility center to assist partners in processing of their produce for sale.
CSTRI, Bangalore

The MIE along with the BDU, West Garo Hills and MIE, Tura, has partnered with the Home Science College, Tura, to train partners in jackfruit processing, cashew processing, pickle making etc. The college also serves as a common facility center to assist partners in processing of their produce for sale.
Regional Silk Technological Research Station (RSTRS), Khanapara

MIE has partnered with the RSTRS for training of weavers in dobby and jacquard and in the skill up gradation of partners especially those from the Garo Hills.
National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), Shillong

NIFT has been associated with the MIE in the training of weavers and eri farmers in the field of textile designing and product diversification.
CARD-KVK, Thiruvalla

The CARD-KVK, Thiruvalla, has over the past one half years been associated with the MIE in the training and capacity building of partners and entrepreneurs in value addition of jackfruit. 13 officials of the Cooperation and Industries departments have also been trained by CARD-KVK. A total of 40 persons have been trained and post training 3 partners are now preparing business plans for establishment of jackfruit processing units in the state.
Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP), Kolkata and Mumbai

The IIPs of both Kolkata and Mumbai have facilitated the training of partners and officials of the Industries, Horticulture and Veterinary departments in various aspects of packaging and shelf life testing.
National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), Hyderabad

MIE has partnered with the NIRD, Hyderabad, for exposure and training of our partners on the various SME options available through its Rural Technology Park (RTP). A total of 89 partners have been trained by the NIRD.
College of Veterinary Sciences, AAU, Khanapara

MIE had facilitated the training of potential animal feed entrepreneurs in the College of Veterinary Sciences, Khanapara, in the field of feed formulation and scientific goat management. 44 partners have been trained in livestock feed formulation while 26 partners have been trained in goat management.
Meghalaya State Skills Development Society (MSSDS)

MIE is partnering with the MSSDS for enabling the skilling of its partners who are interested in self employment under the Skills Challenge Find (SCF). A list of 159 partners have been forwarded to the MSSDS for taking up their training but is yet to take off as the Phase – II of the MSSDS is yet to be activated. The MIE is also in the process of screening those partners interested in wage employment to route them through the Phase –I of the MSSDS project.